MKube is the continuation of a personal project that I’ve started (Kontainer8)).

I wanted to have a real Kubernetes cluster available locally, Ideally it should be stable enough so that I can reboot, spin it up again and It should work fine with everything that was configured.

What changed

  • The base box is now bento/fedora 40.
  • cri-o as the container runtime.
  • Cilium as the CNI.

Story behind it

The project worked quiet well, even in my past role I used to first go, make a demo on that cluster, ensure everything was alright before proceeding.

Since I’ve started using Mac laptop with M1 Chip, I’ve faced many issues, I’m no longer able to use Virtualbox (Which was the main provider that vagrant uses).

I looked for workarounds and sure enough, VMWare fusion seemed like a nice alternative and there was a guide on how to combine both Vagrant + VMWare fusion on Mac M1 but I’ve struggled finding a base vagrant box that supports that provider on ARM64 architecture.

Recently I was able to get everything working by using bento/fedora base box, there’s a minor issue when using private_network in Vagrant with fedora and that is, the machine doesn’t get the proper IP specified assigned, It’s addressed in the issue 12762 and a workaround is provided in one of the comments by @CDFN.

I had to refactor the project, introduce requirements.yml file to install needed dependencies for ansible and finally vagrant up, reload, destroy to make sure everything is alright.

What should be improved

  • I still need to work on the idempotency part of the join script which is the last command invoked but It’s very minor at this point.
  • I need to have packer images ready for this project to save time updating and installing dependencies.